Implant Grade Body Jewelry

Our line of 316 lvm astm f 138 implant grade stainless steel 6al4v astm f 136 implant grade titanium body jewelry is known around the world for its superior quality value.
Implant grade body jewelry. We firmly believe in the superiority of internal threading as opposed to external. From the use of implant grade materials to hand polishing we take the extra effort to ensure that your jewelry is flawless. Barbells ear gauges captive bead rings gem ends for internally threaded jewelry. When you buy a piece of anatometal jewelry you can be assured that you re getting a quality piece of implant grade body jewelry.
Official shop implant grade piercing jewelry manufacturer. Navel rings nipple barbells and industrial barbells. Titanium is also one of the most common materials that body jewelry is made of. The jewelry manufactured by industrial strength clearly stands high above the rest.
Made entirely with implant grade titanium ti 6al 4v eli astm f136 machined with precision accuracy for consistent insertion jewelry internal threading for the safest piercing experience exceptional quality within anyone s budget. Extreme care is put into each piece of jewelry throughout each stage of its conception. Our large selection of implant grade titanium jewelry includes. High quality titanium astm f 136.
Titanium barbells titanium crescents titanium plugs titanium eyelets titanium clickers titanium rings titanium navel curves and more. All of our titanium body jewelry is implant grade and made in the usa. Surgical steel body jewelry. We carry only high quality titanium jewelry from anatometal industrial strength neometal leroi and intrinsic body.
We feature only top of the line american manufactures such as industrial strength anatometal sm316 intrinsic little 7 steel rings barbells ear gauges nostril rings labret post and navel rings.

We feature only top of the line american manufactures such as industrial strength anatometal sm316 intrinsic little 7 steel rings barbells ear gauges nostril rings labret post and navel rings.
Implant grade body jewelry. We firmly believe in the superiority of internal threading as opposed to external. From the use of implant grade materials to hand polishing we take the extra effort to ensure that your jewelry is flawless. Barbells ear gauges captive bead rings gem ends for internally threaded jewelry. When you buy a piece of anatometal jewelry you can be assured that you re getting a quality piece of implant grade body jewelry.
Official shop implant grade piercing jewelry manufacturer. Navel rings nipple barbells and industrial barbells. Titanium is also one of the most common materials that body jewelry is made of. The jewelry manufactured by industrial strength clearly stands high above the rest.
Made entirely with implant grade titanium ti 6al 4v eli astm f136 machined with precision accuracy for consistent insertion jewelry internal threading for the safest piercing experience exceptional quality within anyone s budget. Extreme care is put into each piece of jewelry throughout each stage of its conception. Our large selection of implant grade titanium jewelry includes. High quality titanium astm f 136.
Titanium barbells titanium crescents titanium plugs titanium eyelets titanium clickers titanium rings titanium navel curves and more. All of our titanium body jewelry is implant grade and made in the usa. Surgical steel body jewelry. We carry only high quality titanium jewelry from anatometal industrial strength neometal leroi and intrinsic body.